Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well, Here Goes

Hi all,
Well, here I go into the world of Cyberland. Why? I don't know . . . I have felt a need to talk about the great food and great wine in my life, as well as the not so great.

I have been wanting to do this for a long time. I just got back from seeing Julie and Julia, and was inspired to take this leap. Sure, I kind of ripped off Julie Powell's use of the word 'project', oh well. A.B.W. is going to kill me that I used "kind of" more about him in later posts.

My intention is to let you know what I am drinking, what I am eating, where I am eating ( in Utah and other points around the country), some wine hints, tips and deals, as well as maybe some recipes, food tips and, since it is my blog, there maybe some other things thrown in that I want. Hopefully you will too!

I must come clean about one thing, I am a wine broker here in the great? state of Utah. Some of the wines I may write about are wines that I represent, other will not. I won't say which are which, and my comments, good or bad, will be what I think, regardless. And the same goes for the restaurants I visit. My apologies up front if some feathers may get ruffled

I mentioned Julie and Julia up a few lines. The movie was great, and it has been a long time since I have laughed so much at a movie. Borat and BrĂ¼no type movies bore me, not funny. Meryl Streep is wonderful, Amy Adam was good as well . . . especially the melt downs. I have read "My Life In France" by Julia and her nephew, and the movie refreshingly portrayed the book nicely. I just wish there was more of the time in France. The critics somewhat panned the Julie part of the movie, but I thought it worked just fine, and did not detract from the Julia storyline. There could have been 2 complete movies made. Meryl is in line for another Golden Globe, and Oscar nomination. The critics did not get it. . . to really enjoy this movie, you have to be a serious foodie, feel like Julia Child is your long lost friend, and have cooked out of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". That is what got the book published in the first place, Judith Jones went home and cooked several recipes from the manuscript and found them wonderful (the movie only shows the beef bourguignon prepared by Judith)

Well, enough rambling for tonight. I hope you come back soon.

Wino Forever
Johnny Depp(The tattoo once read 'Winona Forever'!)

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